My husband says I have to do one of these (obligatory introduction) if I am to have a I sit here with one of my dogs rubbing his face on my shoulder and sneezing wetly into my face. How nice.
Thus begins the documentation of my life. Inspired by friend's blogs and figuring that this is a good way to keep in touch, I have at last succumbed to the pull of the that thar computernet. My husband has two blogs, so I guess it's time for me to get with the program. Really, I could blame it on the remodeling that we are doing before the birth of our first child (10 more weeks and counting). The TV is buried in what is to be our daughter's room and I am bored to tears and going though veg-withdrawal. Our house is in chaos and I have frustrated nesting instincts. Hopefully we will get done with all of the house projects before the end of next month so that I can spend the last month of my pregnancy rolling around the house getting ready for the baby.
Gosh I sound whiny. Actually my life is pretty terrific and don't I know it. I have a fantastic husband, a long-awaited baby on the way (more on that later), two loyal (if slightly goofy) hounds, and a loving family...not to mention a great bunch of friends. Everything else is small stuff....way to pull it back into perspective, huh?
Here comes the dog (Bruiser) again to snuffle in my face. We have two retired racing greyhounds, Josie and Bruiser, who are litter mates and really great dogs. They are also very tall, so they can give wet-willies pretty much whenever they feel like it, though fortunately they don't do that very often. Anyhoo, I guess Bruiser probably wants something, so I had better go see what it is...probably wants to go outside and freeze off his nether parts...not that he really has much of that anymore...
So, thus begins the blog.
12 years ago
love this already!
wohoo! more blog to add to my addiction! you crack me up so bad!
i will be passing this along for sure. this is starting out to be a good one! jode
Sweet! I'm a "bad" influence... :) I love it though, so stinkin' funny! And do you have a digital camera? 'Cuz you know this is the best way for the fam that lives far away to watch baby grow up!
Can't wait to see you in 6 weeks or so!
As peter said I am glad I have another obsession blog, so you better keep it up!!:) I really am not joking I check peoples blogs daily (sometimes 2-3x daily to see if there is anything new). I need to get a new hobby:) Anyway, glad your on the blog train, look forward to your reads and hopefully pics.
just click subscribe. and your done. No need to be in the bathroom stall and cooking up a batch of smack. And all shaking to get your blog fix. Not a good look for people.
All sweaty and stuff... ewww.
There is no way that Coraline can miss being a great communicator! She has parents who shine that that department... Actually, she'll probably hatch being able to speak fluently in two languages and full sentences. I only hope that one of her languages is English! :) Susan the organic mom
Mom? Fantastic! Earthy? certainly! Organic? Hmmm.....
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