but I'm back. I won't bore you with details....actually it's my only hope of getting this posted before Cora wakes up...
Suffice to say that between recovering from two surgeries (c-section and gallbladder) within the first month of Cora's birth, the special hell that we here at the Clark residence like to call "breastfeeding," nurturing our precious daughter, and trying to get my life back -- blogging fell into that category of "not now." Life is steadily improving, though and I am slowly fighting my way back to some new semblance of order for my life.
It's funny how much the little things count these days. Like getting and keeping the laundry caught up helps me to feel so accomplished. Lately I feel like a freak because I love doing laundry -- I think it's because it's the one thing that is fairly easy yet still a big job to keep up with. I also love it when I manage to make dinner or at least have everything planned and prepped for Jason to finish when he gets home. However, I think the biggest thing that gets me so excited is seeing Cora gain weight. Getting my daughter up to the 50th percentile on weight has been a major battle since she was at the tenth percentile about a month ago...have I told you how much I love that my daughter's average? I don't know how many times we have visited the lactation clinic and how many hours I have agonised over the decision to stop or keep breastfeeding (currently I am still doing it, but supplementing with formula).
Anyways, for the most part I am loving my new life and of course there are "those days" -- but what mom doesn't have "those days"? But we are moms, so we put our heads down and keep on keeping on.
On a side note, you have to check out my sis' blog about my favorite nephew and the latest post features my kung-fu Munchie fighting the stereotypical forces of EDI (Emotional Display Intolerance). I'll try to post an updated picture of Cora if she doesn't wake up for a little bit, but I figure I'd better not press my luck if I want to get my mom off my back about updating my blog.
12 years ago
Hurray, Ams is back on the blog!
I've got some new photo albums lined up for posting too... promise I'll get those up soon as well.
So funny that post of your sister's! By the way... I still have catalogs for you... are you going to come visit me or should I just mail you some?
Debating on the fall DT retreat. If you're going I might ride with you (pretty please!) otherwise I probably won't go since Brian won't be able to.
Yay, SuperMom! I love that your daughter is average in a not-so-average kind of way. She's magnificant!
Krista, come! I'd love to meet you!:) (special plug for Discovery Toys)
Okay, gotta go party!
Love, Aunty Superwoman
Soooo glad that you're back on the blog again! Certainly keeps me from leaving footprints on your backside. :) I LOVE reading about my fantastic, amazing, super-smart grandchildren!!!!! It's not nearly as good as seeing them in person, but a whole lot easier keeping the shoulders of my shirts clean from spitup! You're doing a great job in the mommy department! Love ya lots, Mom
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