We downloaded the camera and the results are in (drumroll, please):
Did you know that Coraline is part mountain goat? I was doing dishes while Jason was sweeping (hence the chair on the table) and turned around to this delightful tableau...
Cora has a couple of chairs and a table that were given to her by Nana and Grandad. She likes to push the chairs around to comvenient places. Here, she has pushed the chair over in front of the open door so that she can look out the screen door. Guess we have another people-watcher in the family...
Warning!!! Non-parents may not want to see the next image!!!! For that matter, parents may not want to see this either, since they see to much of it already in their own homes...
This is a moment from the day that I call Poopapalooza 2009 wherein I had to collect 4 bottles of stool sample from one of Cora's diapers. Later, I was out saying goodbye to a visiting friend trusting that Cora was hanging out inside the door like she usually does (see above pic). Imagine my surprise (dismay, laughter) when I opened the door to this and no child. Hmm, poopy diaper and no kid. Not good. Then, while I was running a bath for her, she pooped again all over the floor in her bedroom. Sure am glad we have hard surfaces in our house...
This is a sample of Cora's handiwork with TP -- too bad she couldn't have applied some of this talent during Poopapalooza 2009.....
Um, do you think I should tell her that she might be a little big for this stroller? Oh well, see picture number one...
One of Cora's new favorite activities (besides walking) is to climb up onto a stool at the end of the counter (mainly she spends the time wingeing for food) to see what's going on in the kitchen. Here we get to hear what she thinks about that...